Hi, all!
I asked my gaming friends about what would open-world game which would be popular and would
not be annoying/butthurtful. That is what I gathered:
- The game should be possible to fastrun in under 5 hours. Otherwise the motivation is lost and game left unfinished.
Ingame text reading should not be required to complete game and get good ending; the reading might be rewarded
by extra content or story depth, though. - The locations should be small enough and should be memorable enough so that additional navigation helpers are not needed. But the tools should still be available. Labyrinths and navugation-based puzzles are the reason to drop game and never come back.
- HUD should not contain directions in text form, nobody reads them, and it is annoying to find-out that directions were written on screen, people don’t like feeling stupid.
- All puzzles should be tested on various people; most buying audience prefer to skip puzzles. They might be fun as optional gameplay element though. People don’t like feeling stupid. Also youtube will make puzzles useless; randomized puzzles not usable with youtube will make game incompletable for large audience percentage.
Long game hours and replayability is a myth; Best games are completed under 5 hours and never played again,
with driven and accomplishment feeling; it is too rare to find really replayable game, so why bother. - Player likes predictable gameplay; player is quickly tired of predictable gameplay. Don’t torture players, make games short
- While players say they like challenges, they actually don’t. But they should feel the challenge, even though there isn’t. Also they’are to be rewarded for it by even less challenge. Players don’t like and easily notice “balanced” games; The balance should be a part of game design, not added later. But still, everybody likes powerups as indication there is tough fight nearby, but thisone is too cliched; something new in casual shooters/survival horrors would be highly welcome.
If one does some animations good and some half-assed, it is noticeable by player and is annoying; also it is annoying when good model is animated badly. But if you do everything on the same level, people are happy. So
if you don’t have enough time for animations don’t bother modelling well. Also don’t buy pre-made great looking models
if you can’t make animations required for game. Just make your ugly models with ugly animations. If your plot is good,
player will conseder it a part of style, not half-assed job. Especially if you put your soul into it. -
Don’t bother making any adventure games; they won’t sell. Also if you’re not huge company with a lot of resources,
don’t bother with RPGs either. Just do a new casual shooter with new setting, they always sell. Also you save on engine, you don’t need to add new code for a new game. - Don’t make gameplay complicated - too many possibilities will make game too scary for players. There is very little players who like a lot of controls. Also large worlds have the same effect. And people hate walking simulators.
Well, understanding this, I see that if one wants to get $$$ he will make casual shooter
If one wants to have fun he will do whatever he wants. As I understand, the more annoying the gameplay is,
the more fun it is for developers. So if one wants to experiment, he have a great field of possibilities.
But if one have budgets and wants to make money off them they have to obey strict constraints. So high-budget games which are not in casual shooter genre should be considered innovative investment in industry and praised
as the ones which actually move the progress.