I have defined a very basic & simple menu bar in XML as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<element type="BorderImage" style="EditorMenuBar">
<attribute name="Name" value="MenuBar" />
<attribute name="Position" value="0 0" />
<attribute name="Min Size" value="5 20" />
<attribute name="Max Size" value="1920 20" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Layout Spacing" value="0" />
<attribute name="Layout Border" value="0 0 0 0" />
<element type="Menu">
<attribute name="Name" value="FileMenu" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Layout Spacing" value="0" />
<attribute name="Layout Border" value="8 2 8 2" />
<attribute name="Size" value="24 20" />
<attribute name="Popup Offset" value="2 20"/>
<element type="Text" style="EditorMenuText">
<attribute name="Text" value="File" />
<element type="Window" popup="true">
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Vertical" />
<attribute name="Layout Spacing" value="1" />
<attribute name="Layout Border" value="2 6 2 6" />
<attribute name="Min Size" value="10 30" />
<attribute name="Max Size" value="150 150" />
<attribute name="Size" value="250 20" />
<element type="Menu">
<attribute name="Name" value="FileMenuExit" />
<attribute name="Layout Mode" value="Horizontal" />
<attribute name="Layout Spacing" value="0" />
<attribute name="Layout Border" value="8 2 8 2" />
<attribute name="Size" value="60 20" />
<element type="Text" style="EditorMenuText">
<attribute name="Text" value="Exit" />
<element type="BorderImage" style="EditorMenuBar">
<attribute name="Min Size" value="1920 20" />
<attribute name="Name" value="MenuBarSpacer" />
I’m trying to mirror the Editor UI behavior and I’m getting notified when the top-level file
is selected but I am unable to get any events to fire for the
option. The event registration I’m using is as follows:
auto *element = uiRoot_->GetChildStaticCast<Urho3D::Menu>( "FileMenuExit", true );
SubscribeToEvent( element, Urho3D::E_MENUSELECTED, URHO3D_HANDLER( Application, OnFileMenuExitClicked ) );
Any suggestions?