[quote=“yushli”]Look forward to the new release.
I’d like to point out some issues I just have about the build system.
I am using windows 7, VS2015 64bit, with git bash as the command console. I clone the latest master branch, and start the clean build. It configures successfully. But when trying to run make in the bash, when building tolua++, it complains a workable c++ compiler can’t be found. If I run make from VS command console, tolua++ compiles fine, but then when generating the libversion info it will causes error. If now I switch back to bash console, make runs fine. It seems like that
in bash console, tolua++ can not find the c++ compiler.
in VS console, it finds the correct c++ compiler, but can’t run git to get the desired libversion info.
in bash console, it can get the libversion info.
Not sure if it is just my machine or a general bug. Right now I can use both consoles to go on.[/quote]
try execute in bash console:
set "PATH=%PATH%;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\;c:\Windows\System32;"
call vsvars32.bat
and it will see VS