I am working on Qt-based Editor for Urho.
Initial content of topic
I’ve seen here several threads about Urho Editor. I’ve even started one.
I think that Editor needs tighter integration with game code.
Sometimes I even feel a passion to improve something here, but I don’t want to start without way, milestones and goals.
, do you have some strong opition about Editor developement or just good ideas?
Now I can imagine three ways of Urho usage:
- Custom app that uses Urho as library.
- Custom script that uses Urho player (probably extended with custom objects)
Playable scene that contain all game logic inside scripts like Unity (probably extended with custom objects), with minimal entrypoint script/application
Changes in Editor depends on that how many ways we want to cover.
I have bucket of different ideas and thoughts (mine and others’)
- Migrate Editor to C++. Partially or completely? Will it give any benefits? It looks like hard job. (optionally covers 1,2)
- Allow Editor to be called from custom game script. Full or limited editor? How to make interaction? (covers 2, optionally covers 1)
- Allow custom game script to be called from Editor. What limitations? How to implement interaction? (covers 2)
- Add standalone play of ‘playable scene’. It’s simple, but it don’t cover 2-nd way. It’s enough for me, but what about others?.. (covers 3)
- Just do nothing and let Editor be temporary utility untill user write his own ingame editor with bj&hs. (covers nothing ?_(?)_/?)
I don’t promise that I’ll start work immediatelly or that it will be high-priority task for me.
However, let’s discuss at least.
My final goal is to have something like this:
Now it is hacky and buggy, with almost untouched Editor code. And I hate hack and bugs, do u 'now?