Hi, I’m trying to build Urho3D for 64-bit Windows 8.1, but I’m running into some trouble.
I have mingw-w64 installed. I donwloaded the source right off the main page. Then I downloaded cmake. I ran the CMake GIU and put “Urho3D-1.4/Source” for the source directory, and “Urho3D-1.4/Build” as the build directory (after making the Build folder). Then I go to configure, and set “MinGW Makefiles” as the project Generator.
Everything seems to go fine, it gets to “looking for include file stdint.h - found”. Then It gives this error:
CMake Error at ThirdParty/FreeType/CMakeLists.txt:80 (setup_library):
Unknown CMake command “setup_library”.
In the window above, everything looks fine, except that the CMAKE_SH field says “CMAKE_SH-NOTFOUND”. I replaced it with the directory for make, and I still get the error.
I don’t know what else I can do. Compilers, Building, Installing Libraries, etc. has always been a bit of a nightmare for me. Thanks for any help!