Archive 19/01/2023.

NavigationMesh - ConvexPruneObject


Just for show.

I finally got around to using NavigationMesh on the project that I’m working on, and for the most part, functionalities that I need are there. However, I added a few enhancements.

First enhancement was adding a ConvexPruneObject class which as the name suggests prunes nav tiles as untraversable, as shown by the magenta tiles shown in fig 1 and fig 2. This came about after observing that creating a huge Obstacles lacked features that I needed. Querying for nearest path inside an obstacle (position of the white box shown in fig 2) returned a tile inside the obstacle. By pruning the unwanted tiles, the nearest position is acquired outside the convex object.

Second enhancement was loading nav tiles from file and load them in a single contiguous memory instead of building the nav mesh at load time. In my simple scene, it takes about 1.4 seconds to build the navmesh and it takes less than 1 msec. to load tiles from file and rebuild it.

Third simple enhancement - for navmesh to ignore nodes with “ignore” tag used for thing as trigger boxes, small debris, and far off mountains that’ll never get traversed.

fig 1.

fig 2.


For anyone new to DynamicNavigationMesh, let me clarify that creating a huge Obstacle was just a test and should not be created for your game levels. Obstacles should be small and are meant to be dynamic, which can potentially be removed at runtime.