[video] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32O_mfMpv6g[/video]
I’ve made this game in three days on recent Ludum Dare jam event. My experience with Urho is still pretty poor, and I decided, that participating in a jam is a good opportunity to learn. I went with script only, because I’m not familiar with C++. It also was my first game jam. I worked in CodeLite with AngelScript autocompletion set up with help of this thread: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic … WOOGAdwlEU
Source, single .as file:
LD page:
Feel free to criticize.
I really enjoyed working on Urho. It performs like a beast. And I figured out a lot of new things in that three days despite the lack of documentation and tutorials for noobs like me. Anyway, here are several things, that I want to clarify:
Later in development the Urho3d player started to crash pretty often. There is no particular action, causing it. It should be something in my code, but is there a way to debug a Urho3d player crush (other than building and running it in debug mode)? Is it dumping crash logs somewhere?
Is there a way to restart the whole game? I ended up with scene_.RemoveAllChildren(); and then creating everything up again. Is it okay? Or maybe there is something else I have to remove manually?
Updates. Is there a place where I can find the list of all available update functions, and order in which everything gets updated?
At first, I was happy to find out, that I can read input from any place, like Update() or FixedUpdate() of script objects, but actually, that’s doesn’t work sometimes, and sometimes depends on FPS. Examples are not constant in the ways, thay handling input, so what is the basic do/ do not?
Enabling vsync drops fps to 15.