I’m new to Urho3D, just build it and started the samples:
I supposed it shouldn’t look like that…
But after writting half a post in your support section, I had an Idea:
I’m normally developing (normal applications with Qt, no 3D or games) inside a Windows VMWare-VM inside a Host-Windows. And I never had any kind of game inside the VM. I wasn’t sure if it can do 3D like games properly. So I copied the Bin folder to the host and and the samples suddenly worked!
There should be some warnings if Urho3D can’t display 3D correctly or load the materials or whatever didn’t work in my VM. I nearly abondoned Urho3D.
I’m using Windows, 32bit, OpenGL, MinGW 4.9.1, CMake-GUI and CodeBlocks. I wrote all the steps down I had to do to make Urho3D work. There seems to be a Wiki, but no Index? Is there a tutorial or HowTo section somewhere?
Parts of the documentation seems to be older and mention stuff like Visual Studio 2009…
I could write a short guide how I build Urho3D 1.32. It was far less painfull as trying to build Ogre…
Ah, I couldn’t build you documentation with the CMake URHO3D_DOCS flag. CodeBlocks tried to build some .dot files, which I think are image files. After deactivating that flag, make was able to finish everything.
My Background:
The last time I did something with game development is years ago. I used Ogre back then, before that CrystalSpace and before that tried Irrlicht with no success. CrystalSpace worked at first but had broken shadows and physics and seems quite inactive since then. So I searched again and found Ogre and was happy for quite a while. But they dropped their MinGW-Binary-Release sometime and it’s hard/impossible to build manually. So Ogre died a bit for me. The last stable is still from 2012. As I used that, it just came out. They seem to be working on Ogre 2.0/2.1, maybe they will have an MinGW-Binary-Release again and better support in general. But for now: nah…
So I searched and compared a lot of other 3d/game engines and the two most promising ones are Urho3D and Delta3D. Urho3D seemes to have better support for Blender so I started with that.
I’m working as a C++ software developer in a small company. We are doing image editing software for Windows & Mac with Qt. We are still not selling that much (but are improving) and can’t currently support any free software project with money or man power (though I would like that). Would be great if that would change. There are so many companies profitting from free software without giving anything back, f
g a
I have still so many ideas regarding games and it was so fun doing something in that field (though image editing software is also not bad), and after years of just thinking, am trying to do something again. I’m always trying to use free software, my tools were always: Blender, Gimp and CodeBlocks. Though I also like QtCreator (Codeblocks has always had some flaws, QtCreator has now a bit less).
My next steps will be to move my Urho3D development to my host and try to compile own stuff. I think I’ll start with your water sample because it has terrain and water. Hope that terrain is editable and supports texture splatting.
Next I’ll try to make models with Blender and export them. There are some forum posts regarding Blender export but no (video) tutorial/howto? You could need that. I also hated the lack or organisation of the Ogre tutorials/howtos. Everyone in the forum seems always happily using something, but everone needs to spend hours trying to get something to work, because no one of the “inner circle” shares his secrets by making a small tutorial…
I wasted like 2 hourse of my 3 hours of experimenting with Urho3D with searching and experimenting with CMake and Codeblocks custom Makefiles. A tutorial would have saved that.
It bothers me that free software engines are so far behind commercial engines like Unreal-Engine, CryEngine or Unity (though that one is not comparable). Free software engines can be slower / less optimized and not have all the features because of lack of man power. But they should have enough potential for lighter projects, small teams and hobbyists. Not just because of lack of money, but also because of the free software ideal. They are all lacking good / up-to-date tutorials, material/model collections, better organization and transparency. There are also dozens of concurrenting engines, most abandoned though or focusing a specific genres/niches.
This became a bit like a super long blog post and took me over an hour… overthinking again…
Comments welcome to all the stuff I mentioned.
I didn’t read that many other forum posts, so some things may already have been mentioned somewhere.
greetings from germany
inb4 no replies because Urho3D abondoned too