Hi, I just downloaded Urho3D and evaluating it. I was able to compile the demos and editor. (My first time running CMAKE scripts and it was really painless!
) Really wonderful engine!
I looked all over the documentation, because I would have liked to open multiple windows with Urho3D rendering in GL inside each of them. Might also be useful for rendering on multiple screens (3 screens for racing games for example).
There seem to be a context class in the graphic subsystem that could perhaps do that, as I see that everything that is created in a screen need a context pointer. Is it something that is possible at the moment with Urho3D 1.32?
I have also another question, I was not able to produce the documentation, but I don’t have doxigen, must it be installed so the docs are produced? This is not a big issue, as I’m looking on the site.
My primary interest for Urho is for creating game demos, and graphic tools.