Hi, i’m new to CMake. I don’t know how to integrate mruby source into urho3d make system.
mruby source is unzipped into
And CMakeLists.txt is as following, which is copied from Lua folder
But i don’t know what is going on under the hood
Can anybody help me ?
set (MRUBY_VERSION mruby-1.2.0)
#set (MRUBY_LIBRARY ${MRUBY_DIR}/build/host/lib/libmruby.a)
#set (MRUBY_CORE_LIBRARY ${MRUBY_DIR}/build/host/lib/libmruby_core.a)
# define_source_files ()
setup_library ()
# Install headers for building and using the Urho3D library (no direct dependencies but library user may need them)
install_header_files (DIRECTORY ${MRUBY_DIR}/include/ DESTINATION ${DEST_INCLUDE_DIR}/ThirdParty/MRuby FILES_MATCHING PATTERN *.h) # Note: the trailing slash is significant