Archive 19/01/2023.

Mesh not rendering right and no idea why [SOLVED]


Hello, I’m trying to get this custom mesh importer to work. It sorta’ works but does not display things right, an example being:

Code is here, if anyone can point out my errors I’d greatly appreciate it! I’m still trying to learn the good the engine can provide!

void RMesh::LoadRMesh(const String& filepath)
    FileSystem* fsys = new FileSystem(context_);
    File source(context_, fsys->GetProgramDir() + filepath, FILE_READ);
    const String file = source.GetName();

    String header = ReadBlitzString(source);

    if (header != "RoomMesh") //Check if the file is a valid RMesh file.
        URHO3D_LOGERROR(file + " is not a valid RMesh!");

    SharedPtr<Model> model(new Model(context_));
    unsigned int vertexDecl = MASK_POSITION;

    int meshcount = source.ReadInt();

    for (int i = 0; i < meshcount; i++)
        SharedPtr<Geometry> geom(new Geometry(context_));

        //List the datatypes in the vertex vector.
        //unsigned int vertexDecl = MASK_POSITION;

        URHO3D_LOGINFO("RMESH LOOP: " + (String)(i + 1));

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
            byte texflag = source.ReadUByte();
            if (texflag != 0)
                String texString = ReadBlitzString(source);
                if (!texString.Empty())
                    URHO3D_LOGINFO("Texture found: " + texString);

        Vector<float> vertData_;

        int vertcount = source.ReadInt();
        for (int j = 0; j < vertcount; j++)
            //URHO3D_LOGINFO("Reading vertex loop: " + (String)(j + 1));
            float x = source.ReadFloat();
            float y = source.ReadFloat();
            float z = source.ReadFloat();

            Vector3 pos = Vector3(x, y, z);

            for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                float u = source.ReadFloat();
                float v = source.ReadFloat();
                Vector2 uv = Vector2(u, v);


            byte r = source.ReadUByte();
            byte g = source.ReadUByte();
            byte b = source.ReadUByte();
            Vector3 color = Vector3(r, g, b);


        Vector<uint> indData_;

        int tricount = source.ReadInt();
        for (int j = 0; j < tricount; j++)
            //URHO3D_LOGINFO("Reading index loop: " + (String)(j + 1));
            int tri1 = source.ReadInt();
            int tri2 = source.ReadInt();
            int tri3 = source.ReadInt();

            Vector3 poly = Vector3(tri1, tri2, tri3);


        SharedPtr<VertexBuffer> vertexBuf(new VertexBuffer(context_));
        vertexBuf->SetSize(vertcount, vertexDecl);

        URHO3D_LOGINFOF("Vertex buffer done in loop %d.", i);

        SharedPtr<IndexBuffer> indexBuf(new IndexBuffer(context_));
        indexBuf->SetSize(tricount, false);

        URHO3D_LOGINFOF("Index buffer done in loop %d.", i);

        geom->SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuf);
        geom->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, 0, tricount);

        URHO3D_LOGINFOF("Geometry done in loop %d, setting model geometry.", i);

        model->SetGeometry(i, 0, geom);
        model->SetNumGeometryLodLevels(i, 1);

    URHO3D_LOGINFO("Seems successful, committing...");

    StaticModel* mesh = node_->CreateComponent<StaticModel>();


    URHO3D_LOGINFO("Done with " + file);

To me it looks like it’s probably a problem with the index buffer. Are you sure the indices can be read directly (e.g. Object files indices start at 1 instead of 0)? And does the size of your uint match the large (32 bit) vs not large (16 bit) setting of your index buffer?

Additionally, I’m pretty sure indexBuf->SetSize(tricount, false); should use the number of indices so 3x the number of triangles.


If it’s legacy data it could be triangle-stripified from back when that was a win. That tower bit unless the vertex data is completely wrong stinks of triangle strips (you see weird patterns like that come out).


Thanks to all who replied!

The problem was that it read data as an Int instead of what it’s actually referred to as an ushort.