Archive 19/01/2023.

MariaDB Connector/ODBC. Failed execute statement


In my project I try to use MariaDB Connector/ODBC. I downloaded MariaDB Connector 1.0 from for Win64 and ODBC driver 3.5 for Win64 from

Then I created DSN through ODBC Data Source Administration. As you see connection is successful.

Also when I run this code -

Database* database  = GetSubsystem<Database>();
DbConnection* connection = database->Connect("DSN=HangarsDSN");

I get valid DbConnection pointer and code

returns true. So I assume that connection to database is established.

But when I try to execute statement like -

DbResult result = connection->Execute("select * from test", true);

I always get error -

[Sun Jan 03 12:45:01 2016] ERROR: Could not execute: nanodbc:\Programming\Projec ts\GameEconomics\Source\VS2013\Engine\3thParty\Urho3D-Hangars\Source\ThirdParty\ nanodbc\src\nanodbc.cpp:1036

In nanodbc.cpp on 1036 line is following code -

void open(class connection& conn) { close(); RETCODE rc; NANODBC_CALL_RC( SQLAllocHandle , rc , SQL_HANDLE_STMT , conn.native_dbc_handle() , &stmt_); open_ = success(rc); if(!open_) NANODBC_THROW_DATABASE_ERROR(stmt_, SQL_HANDLE_STMT); conn_ = conn; }

I can’t figure out why it can’t execute. Is it invalid connection to database, or something wrong with ODBC driver. Also I tried to pass different statements, but got the same error.

SQL server locates on web hosting -

Maybe someone knows what the problem is ?


I have found out that it is problem with connection. If I run MySql server locally, statement’s execution works.

Does anyone have any ideas why remote connection does not work ?


try an ip address or fully qualified name ie: host.domain
Check firewall settings/ip settings etc


Did you enable remote access on MariaDB?
See: … erver.html