Archive 19/01/2023.

Makehuman with Urho3d


Hi guys,
I found this human creation tool which allows you to create various human characters, the application is called Makehuman.
I just wanted to let you know that it works great with Urho!

Things you will need:

  1. Makehuman app
  2. Blender Makehuman addons
  3. Blender urho exporter
  4. Create your human in Makehuman
  5. The only important thing is to choose proper skeleton. The skeleton is called “Game” which has less bones.
  6. Then export to mhx format.
  7. Import mhx in Blender by using Makehuman import addon
    The model is rigged and making animations is very easy
  8. Export with Urho Blender exporter.

Thats it. Pretty easy. Look at the results




[quote=“szamq”]Hi guys,
I found this human creation tool which allows you to create various human characters, the application is called Makehuman.
I just wanted to let you know that it works great with Urho!

Things you will need:

  1. Makehuman app
  2. Blender Makehuman addons
  3. Blender urho exporter
  4. Create your human in Makehuman
  5. The only important thing is to choose proper skeleton. The skeleton is called “Game” which has less bones.
  6. Then export to mhx format.
  7. Import mhx in Blender by using Makehuman import addon
    The model is rigged and making animations is very easy
  8. Export with Urho Blender exporter.

Thats it. Pretty easy. Look at the results [/quote]

I just tried this method. It’s weird. Half the model gets wrapped on import. Any idea what’s happening? … nshot4.jpg

Downloadable screenshot on SourceForge