Archive 19/01/2023.

Loading .ani Files for Node Animations?



I have a .fbx file with simple transform/scale animation, no bones…

I can see that AssetImporter wrote an .ani file, and I can see that it’s mostly linked to the Animation.cpp/h class, which says “Skeletal animation resource”.

So I guess Node Animation mostly refers to the creation of ValueAnimations within ObjectAnimations in code or from xml/json (as seen in the 30_LightAnimation demo)…

Any chance I can use that .ani file … with an AnimationController maybe ? I searched the forum but did not find an answer… ( AnimatedModel without skeleton , Export animated node transforms to Urho3d )


(btw I was able to import and use an animated model in my c++ code with skeltal animation/bones, so that’s really cool… I just do not want to create a dummy bone and riggend animation or something if it can be solved differently.)…


Just create an AnimationController to your root node and load the animation exactly the same way as you do with skeletal animations. Please note :

  • The nodes must have the same hierarchy as in the ani file.
  • the nodes must have the same names as in the ani file.

Works like a charm, thank you very much… :+1: