Archive 19/01/2023.

Loading a XML file



Is this correct? I tried removing the file location and directory but it still loading a document or the first IF statement is not failing.

I’m wonder if it’s a platform specific thing or problem. I’m using linux.


[code]bool GameOptions::Init(const char* xmlFilePath)

//// read the XML file
//// if needed, override the XML file with options passed in on the command line.
m_FileName = String(xmlFilePath);

m_pFile = new Urho3D::XMLFile(g_pApp->GetContext());

pugi::xml_document* document = m_pFile->GetDocument();


if (!document)
    return false;

pugi::xml_node root = document->root();
if (!root)
    return false;

// Loop through each child element and load the component
pugi::xml_node node;
node = root.first_child();
if (String(node.attribute("name").as_string()).Compare("options") == 0)
    node = node.child("Graphics");
    if (node)
        String attribute = node.attribute("renderer").as_string();
        int comp = attribute.Compare("OpenGL", false);

        if (attribute.Compare("OpenGL", false) == 0 || attribute.Compare("DirectX11", false) == 0 || attribute.Compare("DirectX9", false) == 0)
            m_Renderer = attribute;
            return false;

Technically, that shouldn’t fail. You are checking against an object which should exist. Maybe you’re looking to check if the document is opened instead?

Here’s an example of loading an XML file and parsing it.