Archive 19/01/2023.

Issues changing animation controller from another class(Solved)


I suppose my c++ skills are rusty here. I’m trying to make it where if your press M the animation controller plays a different animation. This code is in CharacterDemo.cpp the main entry point file.

if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_M))
    animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_melee%1.ani", 0, false, 0.2f);

The issue is that animCtrl is defined in another .cpp file Character.cpp.

AnimationController* animCtrl = node_->GetComponent<AnimationController>(true);

I’m using the characterdemo if anyone needs a good reference.

Normally I use a pointer to animCtrl and define it in the header file that’s included in CharacterDemo.cpp, but this does not work this time.


If you can get to the node you should be able to get any component that’s on there.

AnimationController* animCtrl{ otherNode->GetComponent<AnimationController>() };

I tried what you suggested, and it crashes now when I hit M key.

I also tried this: AnimationController* animCtrl = character_->GetNode()->GetComponent<AnimationController>() ;

To get the node that character_ is pointing to, but it still crashes when I hit the M key.


It does not crash anymore. I left off the boolean.

`AnimationController* animCtrl{ otherNode->GetComponent<AnimationController>(true) };`

But it will not play the animation.

 #include <Urho3D/Core/Context.h>
#include <Urho3D/Graphics/AnimationController.h>
#include <Urho3D/IO/MemoryBuffer.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/PhysicsEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/PhysicsWorld.h>
#include <Urho3D/Physics/RigidBody.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/Scene.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/SceneEvents.h>
#include <Urho3D/Input/Input.h>

#include "Character.h"

Character::Character(Context* context) :
    // Only the physics update event is needed: un-subscribe from the rest for optimization

void Character::RegisterObject(Context* context)

    // These macros register the class attributes to the Context for automatic load / save handling.
    // We specify the Default attribute mode which means it will be used both for saving into file, and network replication
    URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Controls Yaw", float, controls_.yaw_, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("Controls Pitch", float, controls_.pitch_, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);
    URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("On Ground", bool, onGround_, false, AM_DEFAULT);
    URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("OK To Jump", bool, okToJump_, true, AM_DEFAULT);
    URHO3D_ATTRIBUTE("In Air Timer", float, inAirTimer_, 0.0f, AM_DEFAULT);

void Character::Start()
    // Component has been inserted into its scene node. Subscribe to events now
    SubscribeToEvent(GetNode(), E_NODECOLLISION, URHO3D_HANDLER(Character, HandleNodeCollision));

void Character::FixedUpdate(float timeStep)
    /// \todo Could cache the components for faster access instead of finding them each frame
    RigidBody* body = GetComponent<RigidBody>();
    AnimationController* animCtrl = node_->GetComponent<AnimationController>(true);
	Input* input = GetSubsystem<Input>();

    // Update the in air timer. Reset if grounded
    if (!onGround_)
        inAirTimer_ += timeStep;
        inAirTimer_ = 0.0f;
    // When character has been in air less than 1/10 second, it's still interpreted as being on ground
    bool softGrounded = inAirTimer_ < INAIR_THRESHOLD_TIME;

    // Update movement & animation
    const Quaternion& rot = node_->GetRotation();
    Vector3 moveDir = Vector3::ZERO;
    const Vector3& velocity = body->GetLinearVelocity();
    // Velocity on the XZ plane
    Vector3 planeVelocity(velocity.x_ * 0.5f, 0.0f, velocity.z_ * 0.5f);

    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_FORWARD))
        moveDir += Vector3::FORWARD;
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_BACK))
        moveDir += Vector3::BACK;
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_LEFT))
        moveDir += Vector3::LEFT;
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_RIGHT))
        moveDir += Vector3::RIGHT;

    // Normalize move vector so that diagonal strafing is not faster
    if (moveDir.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)

    // If in air, allow control, but slower than when on ground
    body->ApplyImpulse(rot * moveDir * (softGrounded ? MOVE_FORCE : INAIR_MOVE_FORCE));

    if (softGrounded)
        // When on ground, apply a braking force to limit maximum ground velocity
        Vector3 brakeForce = -planeVelocity * BRAKE_FORCE;

        // Jump. Must release jump control between jumps
        if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_JUMP))
            if (okToJump_)
                body->ApplyImpulse(Vector3::UP * JUMP_FORCE);
                okToJump_ = false;
				animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_airborne.ani", 0, false, 0.2f);
            okToJump_ = true;

    if ( !onGround_ )
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_airborne.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
        // Play walk animation if moving on ground, otherwise fade it out
        if (softGrounded && !moveDir.Equals(Vector3::ZERO))
			animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_front.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);

			animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_idle.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);

        // Set walk animation speed proportional to velocity
		animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/stand_sword_move_front.ani", planeVelocity.Length() * 0.3f);
	// Play walk animation if moving on ground, otherwise fade it out
	if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::RIGHT))
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_right.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
	// Play walk animation if moving on ground, otherwise fade it out
	if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::LEFT))
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_left.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
	// Play walk animation if moving on ground, otherwise fade it out
	if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::BACK))
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_back.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
	// Switch between 1st and 3rd person
	if (input->GetKeyPress(KEY_M))
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_melee%1.ani", 0, false, 0.2f);

	// Play walk animation if moving on ground, otherwise fade it out
	if (inAirTimer_ > 3.5f)
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_dead_airborne.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);

    // Reset grounded flag for next frame
    onGround_ = false;


void Character::HandleNodeCollision(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    // Check collision contacts and see if character is standing on ground (look for a contact that has near vertical normal)
    using namespace NodeCollision;

    MemoryBuffer contacts(eventData[P_CONTACTS].GetBuffer());

    while (!contacts.IsEof())
        Vector3 contactPosition = contacts.ReadVector3();
        Vector3 contactNormal = contacts.ReadVector3();
        /*float contactDistance = */contacts.ReadFloat();
        /*float contactImpulse = */contacts.ReadFloat();

        // If contact is below node center and pointing up, assume it's a ground contact
        if (contactPosition.y_ < (node_->GetPosition().y_ + 1.0f))
            float level = contactNormal.y_;
            if (level > 0.75)
                onGround_ = true;

I have moved my key press function into the Character.cpp file. If I press M it tries to play the animation, but the character just kinda jitters. Something in this file stops it from playing.


I may have confused you own the jittering. Here is a video watch until the end. Video That is when I repeatedly press the M key. I tried assigning the melee key to the controls in CharacterDemo.cpp on this line “not shown”.
// Clear previous controls
character_->controls_.Set(CTRL_FORWARD | CTRL_BACK | CTRL_LEFT | CTRL_RIGHT | CTRL_JUMP, false);

Then in Character.h
const int CTRL_FORWARD = 1;
const int CTRL_BACK = 2;
const int CTRL_LEFT = 4;
const int CTRL_RIGHT = 8;
const int CTRL_JUMP = 16;

I assign the const int CTRL_MELEE I am not sure what int value goes for the M key, because I don’t know where these numbers came from. The animation would play if I hit the M key, but it kept trying to move my character in one of the directions no matter what int I assigned CTRL_MELEE . I was able to add the other thing quite easily like left and right animation. A falling animation, but this turned quite complicated for the melee animation.


Well everything is working now. Thanks for the help everyone. I believe part of the problem was that I did not have the bit number right for the melee action.

For anyone in the future this is the updated code for Character.cpp

void Character::FixedUpdate(float timeStep)
/// \todo Could cache the components for faster access instead of finding them each frame
RigidBody* body = GetComponent<RigidBody>();
AnimationController* animCtrl = node_->GetComponent<AnimationController>(true);
	Input* input = GetSubsystem<Input>();

// Update the in air timer. Reset if grounded
if (!onGround_)
    inAirTimer_ += timeStep;
    inAirTimer_ = 0.0f;
// When character has been in air less than 1/10 second, it's still interpreted as being on ground
bool softGrounded = inAirTimer_ < INAIR_THRESHOLD_TIME;

// Update movement & animation
const Quaternion& rot = node_->GetRotation();
Vector3 moveDir = Vector3::ZERO;
const Vector3& velocity = body->GetLinearVelocity();
// Velocity on the XZ plane
Vector3 planeVelocity(velocity.x_ * 0.5f, 0.0f, velocity.z_ * 0.5f);

if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_FORWARD))
    moveDir += Vector3::FORWARD;
if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_BACK))
    moveDir += Vector3::BACK;
if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_LEFT))
    moveDir += Vector3::LEFT;
if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_RIGHT))
    moveDir += Vector3::RIGHT;

// Normalize move vector so that diagonal strafing is not faster
if (moveDir.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)

// If in air, allow control, but slower than when on ground
body->ApplyImpulse(rot * moveDir * (softGrounded ? MOVE_FORCE : INAIR_MOVE_FORCE));

if (softGrounded)
    // When on ground, apply a braking force to limit maximum ground velocity
    Vector3 brakeForce = -planeVelocity * BRAKE_FORCE;

    // Jump. Must release jump control between jumps
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_JUMP))
        if (okToJump_)
            body->ApplyImpulse(Vector3::UP * JUMP_FORCE);
            okToJump_ = false;
				animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_airborne.ani", 0, false, 0.2f);
        okToJump_ = true;

	// On air
	if (!onGround_) {

		// Falling a lot
		if (inAirTimer_ > 3.5f)	{
			animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_dead_airborne.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);

			// Falling a bit		
		else {
			animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_airborne.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);

		// On ground
	else {

		// On ground with movement
		if (softGrounded && !moveDir.Equals(Vector3::ZERO)) {

			// Moving forward
			if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::FORWARD)) {
				animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_front.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
				animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/stand_sword_move_front.ani", planeVelocity.Length() * 0.3f);

			// Moving back
			if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::BACK)) {
				animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_back.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
				animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/stand_sword_move_back.ani", planeVelocity.Length() * 0.3f);

			// Moving left
			if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::LEFT)) {
				animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_left.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
				animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/stand_sword_move_left.ani", planeVelocity.Length() * 0.3f);

			// Moving right
			if (softGrounded && moveDir.Equals(Vector3::RIGHT))	{
				animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_move_right.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
				animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/stand_sword_move_right.ani", planeVelocity.Length() * 0.3f);

			// On ground idle
		else {
			animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_idle.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);


	if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_MELEE)) {
		animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/stand_sword_melee%1.ani", 0, false, 0.0f); // Try tweaking the last value.
		animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/stand_sword_melee%1.ani", 1.0f); // Try tweaking the last value.

// Reset grounded flag for next frame
onGround_ = false;
