Archive 19/01/2023.

iPad Air 2


Hi! Gotta say, I love the engine. I have one problem though, I can’t get the engine to work correctly on iPad Air 2.
I did the following:

  1. Pulled latest master-branch from github
  2. Ran the script both with and without -DURHO3D_64BIT=1, didn’t make a difference.
  3. Everything compiles in Xcode (v7) without errors.
  4. If I try to run the Urho3DPlayer I get a bunch of warnings from Angelscript saying something like “Failed in call to function ‘RegisterObjectMethod’ with ‘Engine’ and ‘int get_maxFps() const’ (Code: -7)”. It outputs warning for every single function it seems like. Then and empty message box from Urho3DPlayer appears on the iPad and then nothing else happens.

I also tried to compile the sample “04_StaticScene.cpp” and link it with the static library. This also works without errors, however when I run it on the iPad graphical glitches appear:

I have tried this on three different devices with the following results:
iPad Air 2 (iOS 8.4) - The problems above happens.
iPad Air 2 (iOS 9.0) - The problems above happens.
iPad 2 (iOS 7.1) - Note that this is not an Air 2 but an older iPad 2. Everything seems to work correctly here, the Urho3DPlayer launches without problem and the 04_StaticScene runs without graphical glitches.

So there seems to be a problem involved with either the newer iOS versions or the newer devices. Has anyone else been able to solve this? Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:


Update: I managed to solve the graphical issues by defining -DURHO3D_OPENGL=1 in my project, since it apparently included the D3D9-vertexbuffer header file instead of the OGL one.
The AngelScript issue still exists though, maybe some more compiler flags doesn’t get set correctly for arm64?


Welcome to our forum.

Most likely. I will see what I can do with URHO3D_OPENGL build option. As for Urho3DPlayer crashes, I think it has to do with AngelScript library support for arm64 . EDIT: Just checked. Angelscript library does not support native calling convention for ARM64. Unfrotunately, Urho3D API is currently only bound to AngelScript using native calling convention.


Re URHO3D_OPENGL. I cannot see any problem with our current existing script. This build option should be set for all non-Win32 platforms. The only potential problem I see where it might not be set correctly is when you have shared a build tree path between Win32 and non-Win32 platforms without first clearing the CMake cache. Something that could happen if you do not use out-of-source build tree for example. If this is not the case or if you can reproduce the problem again in a clean build tree then you can log this as an issue in Github.


Thanks :slight_smile:
That’s good to know about AngelScript. Luckily I will do everything native for now so it won’t affect me too much.
The URHO3D_OPENGL build option was from an empty folder where I cloned the master branch into. I’ll see if I can reproduce it later today