Going to try getting this going again:
I need your best screen shots. I need 3 to qualify. If any of you are using the editor please also take a screenshot of a scene in the editor.
Thank you!
Going to try getting this going again:
I need your best screen shots. I need 3 to qualify. If any of you are using the editor please also take a screenshot of a scene in the editor.
Thank you!
Cool you added that. I used to look on engines on this site so this definitely worth to add urho there
Three screenshots from my scenes. You can use them if you find them attractive
copy.com/sg9mgT1rbEVyzdmx/Scree … 5_2015.png
copy.com/an8gqMqX0e2QmYxc/Scree … 7_2015.png
copy.com/rQgW0D89XEMdD7hP/Scree … 9_2015.png
Seems like it has been deleted from
Does anyone know why?
The screenshots in this thread aren’t graphically that impressive, maybe because of that?
Urho seems to be able to do better though, from my first bigger material test:
Maybe it has some conflict with this? http://www.indiedb.com/company/urho3d
Just to clarify some things:
[ul][li]Indiedb companies and engines don’t conflict. In either case, we control both pages.[/li]
[li]Indiedb has a checklist of things you need to submit, but they don’t necessarily check the quality. Good quality screenshots will obviously help showcase the engine however.[/li][/ul]
Some interesting screenshots so far, keep it up !
Being an active IndieDB member myself, I believe there is a step and requirements involved in order to be approved and yes some good quality screenshots would definitely help.
If there’s no problem with naming conflicts at least check with IDB admins why they have rejected the submission.
No offense to indiedb or anyone else but… I don’t understand, why bother with indiedb at all? they ‘seem’ to be all about ads and today they posted this up: http://www.indiedb.com/news/the-challenge-of-adblock which i say WTF to with gusto… i don’t think they get too many developers on their site vs people just wanting to download games and free assets, what would be the point?
AGAIN; that’s all just my humble opinion and i swear i’m not trying to offend anybody anywhere but i just don’t understand why indiedb would be relevant these days?
The indiedb engine listing is probably one of the most complete/relevant listing of engines out there. Check out the stats over the course of the day, you’ll see it regularly get 6000-7000 page views per day in that section:
I personally welcome all potential contributors (I also consider questions/answers/support contribution)
[quote=“devrich”]i don’t think they get too many developers on their site vs people just wanting to download games and free assets, what would be the point?
Not exactly. If a member submits a company, game or engine in IndieDB, it is automatically posted or updated (same database) to the “brother” site
, which has a lot of modders that can also be potential developers.
[quote=“hd_”]The indiedb engine listing is probably one of the most complete/relevant listing of engines out there. Check out the stats over the course of the day, you’ll see it regularly get 6000-7000 page views per day in that section:
I personally welcome all potential contributors (I also consider questions/answers/support contribution)
[quote=“rasteron”][quote=“devrich”]i don’t think they get too many developers on their site vs people just wanting to download games and free assets, what would be the point?
Not exactly. If a member submits a company, game or engine in IndieDB, it is automatically posted or updated (same database) to the “brother” site
, which has a lot of modders that can also be potential developers.
Thanks _hd and rasteron! I had no idea that it was actually useful/geniune because I was under the impression that it was just some gimmick to make money from the woes and hopes of independant game developers – that is something that has happened many times especially in the usa over the last decade or more. I have had friends and family go through a great deal of hardship over companies feeding them ‘hope’. I have therefore been trying to be super careful since I am now in the independant developer scene ( once again ) and have big hopes that I can make it
As I apparently was wrong on my persception of indieDB; I am now wondering about getting my game idea listed on those sites at some point down the line.
Sorry for any detraction on my part from the topic/thread here and thanks for explaining it to me guys
Slightly off-topic, it seems that Urho is not flaged as a game engine on GitHub ( https://github.com/showcases/game-engines?s=stars )
It’s unclear how submitting a github showcase happens. Found nothing with a google search. That would make me guess that it’s up to github itself to choose what they showcase (correct me if I’m wrong.)
Hmmm maybe you could shoot them an email and get added to the list. Also I noticed that the Urho3D repository says Urho3D is written in C not C++ not very important though…
Hey devrich, Good luck with your project. Looking forward to seeing it on IDB
Cool work CodingMonkey, keep it up!
And we are up!
Thank you everyone for your help/screenshots. \m/
Edit: just realized we are engine 666
Excellent, couldn’t have it any other way
We also recently passed issue 666.
Hey way to go!!!
I could post my old Urho3D mod video/images if that would be ok
I think the engine thumbnail photo should be replaced by one of the screenshots to make it more appealing.
I don’t think that’s a good idea, as for one thing we don’t have permission to use the screenshots like that, and for another we should use something that when people see it, think ‘Urho3D’, not ‘that game’. Other engines have also used a screenshot of their editor like that. Perhaps ours is a bit dark, otherwise I think it’s fine.
I see hd_, ok at least perhaps something going on or a scene loaded inside the editor?