Archive 19/01/2023.

I would like to create animation of Star and Mouse from Blender export. An exception error occurred in (Star animation + Mouse animation.)


I would like to create animation of Star and Mouse from Blender export.
An exception error occurred in (Star animation + Mouse animation.)

(OK) Star animation, there was no problem.
(OK) Mouse animation.there was no problem.

(NG)(Star animation, + Mouse animation.)

(Exception error)
System.Exception: Can not add animation state to non-master model. You can omit this exception by subscribing to Urho.Application.UnhandledException event and set Handled property to True.
ApplicationOptions: args - w - p “CoreData; Data” - hd - landscape - portrait.

(Part of code)

     private async Task CreateScreent()
            var cache01 = ResourceCache;
            model01 = node.CreateComponent<AnimatedModel>();
            model01.Model = cache01.GetModel("Models/Polyout01.mdl");
            Animation Walk01 = cache01.GetAnimation("Models/Walk01.ani");
            run_walk01 = model01.AddAnimationState(Walk01);
            run_walk01.Weight = 0.5f;
            run_walk01.Looped = true;

	  var cache02 = ResourceCache;
            model02 = node.CreateComponent<AnimatedModel>();
            model02.Model = cache02.GetModel("Models/Polyout02.mdl");
            Animation Walk02 =cache02.GetAnimation("Models/Walk02.ani");
            run_walk02 = model02.AddAnimationState(Walk02);
            run_walk02.Weight = 0.5f;
            run_walk02.Looped = true;

        protected override void OnUpdate(float timeStep)

            var model = node?.GetComponent<AnimatedModel>();
            if (model.NumAnimationStates > 0)

Avoid multiple drawables created over single node.