Archive 19/01/2023.

How to slowdown the world timescale but not selected object?


I’m trying to figure out how to slowdown the whole world(scene).
but I do not need same thing slowless for my object.

I make that world is now more slowdown by Scene.SetTimeScale(),

	if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_P)) 
		if (!isTimeScaled) 
			isTimeScaled = true;

but how to make a normal speed for my one selected node(object)?
I thought to increase the SetTimeScale in the same number of times that I reduced the speed of the world.
but the object was not his own SetTimeScale()


Hi codingmonkey,

Forgive me about stating the obvious, but wouldn’t you just set the timescale to 0.1 and just multiply the speed of everything related to that object to *10.0? Timescale would be global so it would affect that object unless you artificially just boost the object’s timescale-related attributes. Unless you are requesting that each object has an override to the timescale?


and just multiply the speed of everything related to that object to *10.0?

I think that you can do without it. ?nly settings(multiply) timescale of selected object w/o change speed of objects, besides objects consist from more complecs components and change (multiply speed) all of them: animation mesh, animation materials, amin shaders, rigid body speeds, time based logic…ect - this is hard way, you know.

Unless you are requesting that each object has an override to the timescale?
if I understood you correctly. I just want it and that each object has changed it’s own timescale for affecting to it’s own and their children, and components.