Archive 19/01/2023.

How to rotate Viewport !?



I want to create a scene with several viewports.
Some of these viewports shall have a rotated initial position. I mean, I want a rotated rectangle.

I tried adding the following line to example, but it gives errors!

rearViewport.Rotate(Quaternion(180.0f, Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)));

So, how can I achieve this !?


Your video card cannot rotate viewports.
Use render to texture.


Thanks @Eugene for your reply.

Ok then. How can I rotate the camera’s picture that comes to the viewport?
Say, we have1 camera and 4 viewports in a scene.

Viewport1 -> Camera’s picture
Viewport2 -> Camera’s picture 90’ rotated
Viewport3 -> Camera’s picture horizontal flipped
Viewport4 -> Camera’s picture 180’ rotated + vertical flipped

How can I achieve this !?


You can flip image in shader

Viewport2 -> Camera’s picture 90’ rotated

just create another camera and rotate camera


Thanks @1vanK for your reply.

Is it possible to use shader for rotation too?
Because I don’t want to create several cameras.

By the way, what is the correct syntax for flipping images using shader?


What if texture not square?

You should mix rotated texture as post process


Actually, I don’t truly know the difference between shader, texture, …
This is similar to what I want to achieve:
Several viewports with the same image, but some rotated, flipped, etc.

The closest example code I found was . But I don’t know how to add rotation and flip.

I would be thankful if you help me do this.
(sorry for being amateur.)


Flip vertically in shader: vScreenPos = vec2 (vScreenPos.x, 1 - vScreenPos.y);