Archive 19/01/2023.

How to Access Joystick Gui


Hello, I’ve loaded a joystick with the following lua code:

local layout = cache:GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DualJoy.xml")
self.joyID_ = input:AddScreenJoystick(layout, cache:GetResource("XMLFile", "UI/DefaultStyle.xml"))
input:SetScreenJoystickVisible(self.joyID_, true)

I tried accessing its gui through the following code but it didn’t work:

local joystick = input:GetJoystick(self.joyID_)
local joygui = joystick.screenJoystick

I need to be able to resize the gui for when the resolution changes. On native it does not resize automatically and I don’t have a second phone to test mobile. If it resizes automatically on mobile then I can forget about native. Thanks for any help.

Side Note: Diagonal directions for hats don’t work, quite annoying on mobile…