Archive 19/01/2023.

How in current RenderPath change command params?


I have this script (*.as)

void AddMRT1OutputInPostopaquePass() { for (int i=0; i<procSkyRenderPath.numCommands; i++) { if (renderPath.commands[i].pass == "postopaque") { renderPath.commands[i].SetOutput(0, "Viewport"); renderPath.commands[i].SetOutput(1, "SunHalo"); } } }

and it no work, tells something about missed proc signature


Why cycle over procSkyRenderPath, but you modify renderPath?


Yes, i forgot change name for cycle var
for a while I try to hardcode needed commands into Forward.xml file )


The renderpath commands are value types, so they’re exposed a bit poorly; changing parameters in-line likely doesn’t have effect. Copy the command to a local variable, change it, then set it back to the renderpath.


Thanks for reply. I’m also thinking about this behavior of cmd variables.
For a while I’m use manual create RenderPath.xml file, but soon i want to return to this.