A possible workaround is to use glReadPixels, it’ll cause a massive bubble in the CPU/GPU pipeline though. I had a mode where you can take a photo of the screen and it paused the screen for a solid 1 second on Android and iOS (probably because the GPUs on there are heavily pipelined, more so than desktop GPUs).
There are extensions and EGL ones too which can get around this, but it’s all different on every hardware, I don’t recommend that rabbit hole…
ES 3.x fortunately supports Pixel Buffer Objects which can probably get around this quite well.
I’m rendering to an S6 here, I’ve found that it renders for like 2 seconds and freezes the frame, and I need to use the task manager to go to another app, then back to Urho and then it works fine. I recommend you try this (I haven’t investigated the solution yet). Once SDL 2.0.4 lands I also have ES 3.x patches to apply, which I’ve tested on an S6.