Archive 19/01/2023.

How can I let Sprite respond to touch events?


I want to let sprite to respond to touch events, so I subclassed the sprite class, here is my implementation,

[code] #ifndef Urho3D__SpriteButton
#define Urho3D__SpriteButton

#include “Sprite.h”

using namespace Urho3D;

class SpriteButton : public Sprite
// BASEOBJECT(SpriteButton);

SpriteButton(Context *context);
virtual ~SpriteButton();

static void RegisterObject(Context* context);

/// React to mouse click begin.
virtual void OnClickBegin(const IntVector2& position, const IntVector2& screenPosition, int button, int buttons, int qualifiers, Cursor* cursor);
/// React to mouse click end.
virtual void OnClickEnd(const IntVector2& position, const IntVector2& screenPosition, int button, int buttons, int qualifiers, Cursor* cursor, UIElement* beginElement);
/// React to mouse drag motion.
virtual void OnDragMove(const IntVector2& position, const IntVector2& screenPosition, int buttons, int qualifiers, Cursor* cursor);


#endif /* defined( Urho3D__SpriteButton ) */[/code]

[code] #include “Precompiled.h”
#include “Context.h”
#include “ResourceCache.h”
#include “Texture2D.h”
#include “SpriteButton.h”

namespace Urho3D
extern const char* UI_CATEGORY;

SpriteButton::SpriteButton(Context *context)
: Sprite(context)




void SpriteButton::RegisterObject(Context* context)
COPY_BASE_ATTRIBUTES(SpriteButton, Sprite);

UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE(SpriteButton, "Is Enabled", true);


void SpriteButton::OnClickBegin(const IntVector2& position, const IntVector2& screenPosition, int button, int buttons, int qualifiers, Cursor* cursor)


void SpriteButton::OnClickEnd(const IntVector2& position, const IntVector2& screenPosition, int button, int buttons, int qualifiers, Cursor* cursor, UIElement* beginElement)


void SpriteButton::OnDragMove(const IntVector2& position, const IntVector2& screenPosition, int buttons, int qualifiers, Cursor* cursor)


But, it not work. Did the sprite can respond to touch events? and how can I do it?
Thank you very much!


Every ui element will respond to click/touch events. They will not necessarily work like a button where it has a press/release. Touch/Click start will fire though. Did you add your ui element to the ui->root?


I would also check to see if the sprite has a size. Some of the other ui elements are set to not clip their contents. So the contents are completely visible but the holder has no size.


I created the sprite like this,

SpriteButton *sprite = GetSubsystem<UI>()->GetRoot()->CreateChild<SpriteButton>(); Texture2D *tex = cache_->GetResource<Texture2D>("Textures/colour.png"); sprite->SetTexture(tex); sprite->SetImageRect(IntRect(132, 0, 64+132, 64)); sprite->SetSize(200, 200); sprite->SetHotSpot(IntVector2(sprite->GetWidth()/2, sprite->GetHeight()/2)); sprite->SetBlendMode(BLEND_ADD); sprite->SetColor(Color::WHITE); sprite->SetPosition(width * 0.5f, height * 0.5f);


I found the problem, the sprite must set enable manually like sprite->SetEnable(true), and then it can accept click events.
But I had updated the enable value like this,

[code]void SpriteButton::RegisterObject(Context* context)
COPY_BASE_ATTRIBUTES(SpriteButton, Sprite);

UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE_DEFAULT_VALUE(SpriteButton, "Is Enabled", true);

It seems not updated the enable attribute value.


I believe you need to set the property in the constructor as well, as how it is done in the Button class implementation.