Archive 19/01/2023.

How can I generate Android App Bundle format?


Hi, I encountered a problem, I want to submit my game app created with urho3d engine to google play, but I must submit it with Android App Bundle format.
How can I compile my project with this format?
Thank you very much!


Hi there, and welcome to the forums.

Does this thread provide an answer to your question?


Thank you for your reply, but I think it has no help.


As any other Android App.

cmd line is probably faster:

and that boils down to run:

./gradlew :base:bundleDebug

into your app directory


Simplest way is to use Android Studio:
1 - Build your Urho3D project for Android
2 - rest shown in the images below:




I opened my project with android studio, it says must use android studio with version 3.5, so I download the android studio version 3.5 beta, but it can not update the Gradle plugin.


You’ll need to manually edit the gradle wrapper properties file as shown here

Note There is entirely new build process for Urho3D for Android (head of master branch) and it’s not something that I use. The method that I use is prior to the latest method, using Urho3D 1.7 version – just FYI.