Read reattiva excellent QT Creator post!
And weitjong tips
Last thing is the generating of the qch help file
I just got the samples debugging in QT Creator and thought I’d share as it took me a while to figure it out
It’s not perfect, looks messy because of the sample cmake set up and I don’t have much knowledge with cmake, but it works!
Below is from my Linux (Mint) codebase from github, but I think it will work on any platform.
Open QC Creator and create new project.
Select Import Project on the left and Importing existing project on the right and click choose.
Browser to the Build directory of the sample (ie: /home/user/Urho3D-master/Build/Samples/01_HelloWorld) click ok
The name I give it is qtProjectName, ie qt01HelloWorld, so I can see what QT Creator creates, click next.
It will auto select most files, I only leave the Makefile ticked, click next and finish
You’ll see your project loaded and ready to go -
Click run or debug, a pop up will come up asking for the executable
Click browse and go to the Bin where the samples are, pick the corresponding executable, (ie /home/xp/Urho3D-master/Bin/01_HelloWorld), click okay and okay, it will run/debug the executable
To add the code, right click your main project folder and select add existing files
Browse to the source foleder (ie /home/xp/Urho3D-master/Source/Samples/01_HelloWorld)
Select your .h and .cpp files etc.
for zooming in to functions etc you need to put all of the source code directories into the include file in your project, ie:
etc, etc, I just copy and paste from a file browser -
Urho3D + QT Creator = profit
Make sure you ran ./ with
to get the samples, and
for debugging!
If anyone knows of a better way, please let us know :ugeek:
I’m still new to the engine… so WIP
For step 11, creating your include file paths, I just use this:
copy and paste the content of all.txt and just remove the sample folders etc
You might need to install it, ie debian based:
Edit #2 Adding CHM file to QT Creator
You need to have doxygen and the graphics tools installed:
You’ll need the qhelpgenerator tool to convert it to qt help format.
You need to manually run:
qhelpgenerator index.qhp -o index.qch
In the /Urho3D-master/build/Docs run: make doc to create the helps files.
index.qhp will be created in /Urho3D-master/build/Docs/html