Archive 19/01/2023.

Get rid of “WARNING: Forcing top alignment because parent element has vertical layout”



I have 3 widgets in my application which always yield smth. like

WARNING: Forcing top alignment because parent element has vertical layout


WARNING: Forcing left alignment because parent element has horizontal layout

What shall I do to get rid of these warnings?

Or is there a general way to just suppress this debug level/ warnings ?



Setting engineParameters_[EP_LOG_LEVEL] = 0; let me get rid of warnings, however DEBUG level log messages are still there.

How can that be?


Log level 0 means that all the messages that comes in should be outputted to console.
There are multiple log levels
0 - output everything
1 - output debug messages and everything > 1
2 - output info messages and everything > 2
3 - output warning messages and everything > 3
4 - output error message and everything > 4
5 - output nothing

See source here:


Do you have sample code where you create parent with vertical/horizontal layout and add a child to it?


yes, I have some:


This warning message is generated when you create a parent with vertical layout mode and add child to it, and after that try to change it’s vertical layout to something other than VA_TOP

Same thing with horizontal layout, only HA_LEFT alignment is allowed for added child elements.