Archive 19/01/2023.

Generator Deserializer


I have a situation where I generate some procedural content. The most compatible interface is via the deserializer. This way stuff can get loaded in full from disk or otherwise. I made a deserializer I call Generator. It is simultaneously a resource and a deserializer. It has an option parameter hash that gets used on a callback when Read is called. … :generator

I added a dumb example of it copying a filestream to the destination pointer.

Does anyone likes this idea enough for me to polish and submit a pull request? Almost all the resource types are too hard to generate by hand so this has a very limited use case. In the case where the thing holding the resource creates the memory the memory of the procedural content has to be saved to the Generator.

I have a different branch where I have opengl texture arrays, texture buffers, unsigned integer vertex support. Texture buffers are less practical without the texelFetch in gl2. I have been having lots of fun. There was a good week or so where I lived in the render loop.


It looks like a workable idea. I guess that for example a procedural image generator needs to generate also the image header (PNG/BMP/whatever) so it’s slightly hardcore.

If you can supply a new C++ sample and create a brief documentation page for it it could well go into master.


After playing around with this for a while it is kind of sort of working in practice. Holding a pointer to a Deserializer is posible but they aren’t supposed to be a long lived instance, they are really supposed to be a transient. All of the current reloading happens via xml special cases, shadow data, or file watcher events.

I still like the idea of the generator but in practice but it seems like the idea of there being a generic way to recover/reload a resource after it has been loaded is lacking. Can anyone think of a good way of handling this in Urho?