Archive 19/01/2023.

GammaCorrection not working on Android


I am testing GammaCorrection shader on Android but I can’t get it to work as it fails to compile.
This is my output.

E/Urho3D ( 6045): Failed to compile pixel shader GammaCorrection(): E/Urho3D ( 6045): Compile failed. E/Urho3D ( 6045): ERROR: 0:536:33 reserved keyword 'sampler3D'. E/Urho3D ( 6045): ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated.


To follow-up on this issue and not to be off topic, but I’m also curious as well on what default Urho3D postprocess/shaders work on Android/iOS.


Best bet will be to simply exclude anything related to 3D samplers on GLES. Seems this was forgotten in PostProcess.glsl common functions.

EDIT: should be fixed in master branch.