My desktop resolution is 1920 x 1080. I 'm trying to run my game in fullscreen but using a smaller resolution : 1280 * 720. At this resolution the screen is always off.The width of the visible area is shorter , leaving a black unused stripe on the right side of the monitor and the height is “longer” . Unfortunately i can’t take a snapshot because it captures only the rendered part leaving the black stripe out of the screenshot…
Hovever if i change my resolution to 1280 * 768 everything works as expected (no black stripe). But this is a 1.66667 ratio so it doesn’t seem right. Had the same issue with my other GPU too.
EDIT tested with NinjaSnowWar and i have the same issue. (using Win7 64bit and Urho3D 1.7)
Is there a way to run the app in fullscreen and just stretch it to fit the screen ?
EDIT2 : Tested on another pc with and the issue is similar. Now the top of the screen is off. Makes the NinjaSnowWar’s health hud not visible.
EDIT3: I have the same problem using other engines as well.
EDIT4 : So many edits
… Ok so it seems that some resolutions just doesn’t want to work properly but some do. I tried 1600 x 900 and it worked perfectly. I even tried a 1600 x 960 which is a 1.66667 aspect resolution and it is stretched perfectly on my monitor.