License: This sketch or based sketch, character based and future 3D models,any, if released by me or other user will be GPLv3. I have heard i can’t release it normally using MB-Lab (AGPLx License), next time i’ll try to use ClipStudioPaint Proprietary Software. Thanks for you all.
as godot have Godotchan, Unity… UnityChan, why Urho3D doesn’t can have one too? maybe Urho-Kun?
(normally chan is for girl, kun is for boys, anyone can correct me if i wrong about this?)
i’m using MB-Lab and some internet photos as base to make face and clothes, after i’ll try to make 3D of this body again but already making the face and cloth/body
it will be a soldier
project showing 3 images and random colors (based on urho fish photo and more other things, just some colors will be used, i’ll try to mix 2 colors and blablabla) that can be used on him (it will use unicolor, to make able to use celshading-two-colors too):