Archive 19/01/2023.

Fractal Shader


I’ve been spending some time learning a few aspects of the engine, that all kind of came together in this little fractal shader example.
The fractal shader code I adapted from .

The example is written in angelscript, the shader in glsl. Also, it is perpetually a work in progress. It employs several elements provided by the engine that might be useful for learning purposes other than just the shader. Like saving and loading a file, and building a specific type of gui ( more involved than the gui example, and less involved than the editor gui code ). I think that it would be super cool to include in the engine as an example… but I fear that the fractal shader license might prohibit that. however, it’s here otherwise.

As, well I’m not sure the best way to post this information…

It’s part of a repository i maintain that also houses a few other experimental things ( which I am happy to share as well ). So for now, I will just list the relevant files to this specific file.

Where to get the files:
Here is the repo:

Relevant files:

fractal_settings holds the “bookmark” files. A save file of settings. There are 4 currently saved.
I have a launch script that I run from the root of that repo. Totally optional, but I find it useful. the shell script is this:

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "what script should i run?"; else /PATH_TO_URHO/bin/Urho3DPlayer /Scripts/$ -pp /PATH_TO_URHO/bin -p "CoreData;Data;Research"; fi

It requires that you have a “Resource” directory next to Data and CoreData, or remove that from the script. You can then run this like:

sh fractal

P - toggle parameter pane
F - toggle fullscreen (fullscreen will be slow)
F1-F10 - save bookmarks
1-0 - load bookmarks
Shift - camera speed * 0.01
Ctrl - camera speed *0.01
Alt - camera speed *0.01
(Shift-Ctrl-Alt stack to make the camera move super slow, you’ll notice why)

Just some notes:
I’ll probably spend some time to make more preset bookmarks
Might do some extra work on the gui to be able to type in a value next to the slider
There are a few more shader attributes that I need to expose (having issues using int uniforms as iterators)
Happy Holidays!


That’s really cool.


The pictures look really awesome. First one makes me think of some futuristic city, where the pollution has landed and second one could be a space station. That is what I thought when I saw the images, I didn’t really think of fractals there. Nice work!




Nice! But how many FPS you are have with this?


That’s friggin’ awesome! :astonished:
Thanks for sharing.


It varies. Depending on the type of fractal algorithm used, and the settings dialed in relative to your hardware and resolution.
There are a few paramaters that might also assist in getting faster. Right now its a hard coded 8 iterations (That’s also the setting that I was having issues passing in as a uniform. If I pass it in, it just doesnt iterate).

Lenovo y480 (Nvidia GeForce GT 640M)

full screen (1366 x 768 ): 12 fps
half sceen (683 x 383 ): 30 fps

Desktop (Nvidia GeForce GTX 570)

full screen (1920 x 1080 ): 15-30 fps
half sceen (960 x 540 ): 70-120+ fps

On the laptop, i didnt spend too much time testing. On the desktop, I ran the 2 examples seen above. The blue, mandlebox example was the slowest frame rate, and the pinkish mengersponge example ran the quickest.


This looks great Jimmy! :slight_smile: