Archive 19/01/2023.

FOSDEM 2020 - Game Dev Room


Hello everyone,

First of all sorry if this isn’t the best place to post that. My name’s Stan I’m a dev for 0 A.D. ( ) a game that is using the Pyrogenesis engine. I’m trying to get in touch with other people working on other engines on behalf of the Godot Engine ( ) to give talks at the dev room at the FOSDEM 2020 and I was wondering if some of you might be interested to come discuss or even give a presentation there.

If that’s the case let me know


Hi @StanleySweet , welcome to the Urho3D forums! :confetti_ball: :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you know if there’s a deadline for signing up to give a presentation?


Yeah it’s tomorrow however they might make an exception. Let me know ASAP. You only need to write the proposal you don’t have to produce the presentation yet.


In case you are interested the official FOSDEM deadline is on the 14th of December. I just asked on godot irc .