Archive 19/01/2023.

Foreach macro not working properly on clang++ (with c++11)


I just found out Urho now supports stl-compatible iterators for Vector and PODVector, so functions std::begin/end are implemented for those types.

As far as I know the only thing I need to use it is including ForEach.h from <Urho3D/Container/ForEach.h>, but doing so results in clang++ telling me there’s no proper implementation of begin and end for that kind of type (type is actually Vector<WeakPtr> (where MyComponent is a LogicComponent subclass). What am I doing wrong? Should I be doing anything else?

Also, I would like to avoid using the foreach macro, which I guess is still there to be compatible with older versions of the microsoft Visual C++ compiler, which is kind of its own beast. So as an offtopic question, is there a Windows compiler that properly implements the C++11 standard and isn’t tied to an IDE?


Oh really? Finally! :mrgreen: I need to update
Is there any reason Urho is designed so STL-unfriendly with all its non-compatible function names like Size() instead of size()? That’s so annoying…

I just looked around in GitHub and found that in … -for-loops . Maybe you need a using namespace std;. Are C++11 ranged based for loops working for other types like std::vector? Is your compiler complaining about something more specific and suggesting candidates?
You can also try if auto iter=begin(myvector); and the same with end() is working and returning the right type of iterator (with for example exchanging auto with the full type written out).

I’m happily using GCC 4.9.2 via MinGW on Windows 7 with the CodeBlocks IDE (there may be newer GCC versions now). Setting that up is explained in … 3D_Project . Write me if something there is unclear/outdated/bad.


The Urho3D containers are customly made because the stl containers are implementation-dependant, and thus the implementation in a platform may differ from the others. More specifically the concern seems to be with the size of the static part of the containers. In Urho3D sizeof(Vector) is coherent between platforms while sizeof(std::vector) is not guaranteed to be. That would be a source of trouble when working with Variants and the likes.

The uppercase thing is just to maintain the same naming conversion across all the engine.

[quote=“gawag”]I just looked around in GitHub and found that in … -for-loops. Maybe you need a using namespace std;. Are C++11 ranged based for loops working for other types like std::vector? Is your compiler complaining about something more specific and suggesting candidates?
You can also try if auto iter=begin(myvector); and the same with end() is working and returning the right type of iterator (with for example exchanging auto with the full type written out).[/quote]

As far as I know I’ve been doing it the right way. But I’m going to try manually calling the begin() and end() functions so I can better understand what’s going on, thanks!

Oh, good, so you can get GCC under windows. After having fought the MSVC for a while (not in Urho but other personal projects) this makes me happy. :smiley:


I know that I, at least, couldn’t figure out how to get the enhanced for loops to work (lots of error: ?end? was not declared in this scope for (String str : strings_)), but creating another header with the begin and end methods in namespace Urho3D instead of namespace std stopped them. I don’t know if it is proper or not, and I’ve only tried it with g++ and variants (mingw and android and raspberry pi cross compilers) with c++11, but it’s worked for me so far.

[code] #pragma once

#include <Container/Vector.h>

namespace Urho3D

RandomAccessIterator begin(Vector& v)
return v.Begin();

RandomAccessIterator end(Vector& v)
return v.End();

const RandomAccessConstIterator begin(const Vector& v)
return v.Begin();

const RandomAccessConstIterator end(const Vector& v)
return v.End();
