Hi, I updated today (20 aug 2015). And for some unknown reason I can’t get the EDITOR to run. All the examples work fine, but the editor and the ninja game example fail to launch and display some errors.
I’m Using the CMAKE GUI to create the build. Here is my current setup:
I have the URHO3D lib done and the tools and examples builds.
Here is the error that is reported when I try to start the editor:
Is there something done wrong? I’ve build and compiled URHO on Windows 7 HP using MSVC 2013.
If I try to start the URHO Player directly, it give a window asking to specify a script. (Normal behavior I think)
When I enable LUA, The URHO Lib can’t be compiled. Only work when I uncheck LUA.
My project requirement are:
- Linux and Windows
Using LUA and OPENGL
So I’m trying to set the build to use this.
Here is the report from MSCV (French)
[quote]23>C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp(3756): error C2039: ‘emptyArray’?: n’est pas membre de ‘Urho3D::JSONValue’
23> C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Urho3D\Source\Urho3D\Resource/JSONValue.h(54)?: voir la d?claration de ‘Urho3D::JSONValue’
23>C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp(3756): error C2065: ‘emptyArray’?: identificateur non d?clar?
23>C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp(3765): error C2039: ‘emptyObject’?: n’est pas membre de ‘Urho3D::JSONValue’
23> C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Urho3D\Source\Urho3D\Resource/JSONValue.h(54)?: voir la d?claration de ‘Urho3D::JSONValue’
23>C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp(3765): error C2065: ‘emptyObject’?: identificateur non d?clar?[/quote]
[quote]Erreur 145 error C2039: ‘emptyArray’?: n’est pas membre de ‘Urho3D::JSONValue’ C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp 3756 1 Urho3D
Erreur 146 error C2065: ‘emptyArray’?: identificateur non d?clar? C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp 3756 1 Urho3D
Erreur 147 error C2039: ‘emptyObject’?: n’est pas membre de ‘Urho3D::JSONValue’ C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp 3765 1 Urho3D
Erreur 148 error C2065: ‘emptyObject’?: identificateur non d?clar? C:\Users\Public\Projets\URHO\Build\Source\Urho3D\LuaScript\generated\ResourceLuaAPI.cpp 3765 1 Urho3D[/quote]