Archive 19/01/2023.

Emscripten. StaticScene does not work


I have succesfully compiled StaticScene.cpp through Emscripten compiler. But when I open StaticScene.html, I get “Exception thrown, see JavaScript console” in Urho3D console I get

[Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] WARNING: Could not get application preferences directory [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Opened log file StaticScene.log [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Added resource package Data.pak [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Added resource package CoreData.pak [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Set screen mode 1024x768 windowed [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Initialized input [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Initialized user interface [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Initialized renderer [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Set audio mode 44100 Hz stereo interpolated [Fri Dec 18 11:17:26 2015] INFO: Initialized engine -1

In the result, I get only black screen.

However, HelloWorld example works fine. I suppose that is something wrong with scene and resource loading.

I compile example with following command - emcc -I"mypathtoincludefolder" -Wno-invalid-offsetof -ffast-math -m32 -Wno- warn-absolute-paths -Wno-unknown-warning-option --preload-file CoreData.pak --us e-preload-cache --preload-file Data.pak --use-preload-cache -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROW TH=1 -O2 StaticScene.cpp -o StaticScene.html -l"..\libUrho3D" -lGL -s USE_SDL =2 -D"URHO3D_STATIC_DEFINE"

Platform - win32. Also I get next warnings when compilation is done. Maybe that was the reason why example does not work properly.

warning: unresolved symbol: posix_spawn warning: unresolved symbol: posix_spawn_file_actions_init warning: unresolved symbol: posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy warning: unresolved symbol: _ZNK6Urho3D4Node12GetComponentENS_10StringHashEb warning: unresolved symbol: posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2

So, How i can get working StaticScene example ? Thanks.


Why do you need to call “emcc” directly to build instead of calling “make”? Are you not using CMake to configure/generate your project? There are a number of “magic” happen behind the scene in our build system. If you side step that then I am afraid we are not able to support you much. Take for the example the posix_spawn warnings you got, it was caused by missing “NO_POPEN” compiler define. All the compiler flags and defines are automatically configured to target HTML5 when Emscripten compiler toolchain is chosen in our build system. Perhaps you also need to fire a js debugger in your browser to see what went wrong. A “-1” certainly does not mean any things to us.