Hi, i am very new on Urho3d, i work for a company and i have to find and evaluate some 3d engine with a good support for mobile and html5 (trough emscripten).
We will have to create a title and possibly use it for our next future games. We already developed 12 games with cocos2dx and unity, but unfortunately this engine does not have a very good support on html5.
I am trying to compile but i am not sure i did everythings correctly…
First of all i build the engine with codeblocks and everythings seems went fine.
So from here i was a little lost… I will explain what i did:
My root is this
d:\Urho3d\Build (compiled engine)
d:\Test (Hello word copied from d:\Urho3d\Build\Source\Sample\01_HelloWorld)
So i enter in d:\Urho3d and launched:
cmake_emscripten.bat d:\Test3 -DURHO3D_SAMPLES=0
And it does create the base project for emscripten there.
So i enter in d:\Test and launch:
emake make
What i got are:
Where is my error? Can someone help me?