Archive 19/01/2023.

Editor don’t show hierarchy and attribute inspector


hi guys so the editor don’t show hierarchy and attribute inspector ?! i delete the editor and extract it again and even clear the registry but that didnt work the only thing that work is when i redownload it from the net and when i turn off computer and try to start it again it gave me the same problem
im using windows 10 .


Hi Ibrahim, and welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

A bit of a problem, eh?

F1 should show the console, maybe some error? That’s also logged in something like %APPDATA%\urho3d\logs\

* edit* : You might also move or delete urho3d\Editor\Config.xml and see if that helps.

It may help to know what version of Urho, like git master or latest stable. I didn’t think Urho used the Windows Registry but I could be mistaken.


thanks that’s helped me and nice to join u