Archive 19/01/2023.

[EDIT] Using VLC


So I’m implementing a simple cutscene using LibVLC, and I want to follow this process to render the video:

  1. Take the pixels LibVLC gives me.
  2. Put them into a texture
  3. Display that texture on screen.

I know a texture is a part of a render surface, and I’ve accomplished setting the texture’s pixels. Now I just need to get this texture to render directly to the screen.

I know viewports require a camera and a scene, but what if I just want to render a texture? I’ve thought about using a big sprite as a UIElement, but that seems rather hacky.


I am not certain but I would try Graphics.SetTexture


Alright, what I’m doing is using a BorderImage and just rendering to that. However, everything shows up black, so I don’t know if the problem lies with VLC or Urho’s SetData function in the texture.

Here’s the relevant code:

[code]static void* _videoLock(void *data, void **pixels)
VideoPlayer::VideoData *videoData = (VideoPlayer::VideoData *)data;

	*pixels = videoData->pixelData;

	return nullptr;

static void _videoUnlock(void *data, void *picture, void *const *planes)
	VideoPlayer::VideoData *videoData = (VideoPlayer::VideoData *)data;

	videoData->renderTexture->SetData(0, 0, 0, videoData->renderTexture->GetWidth(), videoData->renderTexture->GetHeight(), videoData->pixelData);

I have not used libVLC before so I have no idea whether your code to construct the render texture from it is correct or not. But assuming you have done it correctly, I would perhaps do it differently to render that texture. Not that I have done it before but instead of using UIElement or BorderImage, I would try to construct a new material that uses that texture and apply that material to a flat object in a 3D drawable component (or even a 2D one). That way, I believe you can stretch the component to fill the whole screen. Or, the 3D drawable component could also be just a “flat TV screen” in a bigger scene that user could navigate in (similar to setup in 10_RenderToTexture).


I believe the issue may lie with the SetData function. I tried memset-ing the buffer I’m about to pass in to values of 1, which means it should display a white texture, but it remains black.


Okay, I got it to work. Using a material was the right idea. I switched from VLC to Theora.

However, I’m now having issues getting the decoded audio to play. Here’s the code:

[code]void VideoPlaybackAudioInterface::insertData(float *data, int nSamples)
sound->SetData((void *)data, nSamples * sizeof(*data));
