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:four_leaf_clover: Dry 01

Oh, githlab already unbanned you for stealing?

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I changed
Urho3D Project
toLucKey Productions
It sounded like you just changed the name of the project. But it was a little different, wasn’t it?

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Firstly, your topic is offtopic for this forum. Second, what exactly is “baseless smears”?

The original issue was caused by a direct violation of MIT license by Dry, which I found unethical and asked to fix.
Now this issue is fixed. I don’t really see what’s there to discuss anymore.
This forum is about Urho and all the things made with Urho. Forks are made with Urho as well. We had Atomic thread, we had iogram thread, we had rbfx-related threads, now we have Dry thread. Why not?..

We just have a very tolerant forum. Everything for the community

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What are “dice rolls” in the context of a game engine?

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I don’t think and I never thought that you wanted to actually steal the credit. Never used the word “steal” too.
I am looking at it from different angle.
The people who contribute to MIT project already surrender almost all their rights.
They retain only one right: to keep their copyright intact. They contributed their code using their own name, or alias, or legal name, or some generic banner. And they know that no matter what happens with the code, their name, or alias, or legal name, or banner, will stay as they put it.
Imagine that I have a copyright in my project:
// Copyright (c) 1994-2022 Eugene Kozlov.
And someone takes my code, puts my name into the list somewhere else, and changes copyright to this:
// Copyright (c) 1994-2022 third party.
It wouldn’t be ethical, right? That’s why MIT doesn’t allow removing copyrights, no matter what exactly is put after (c).
PS: Also, if you replace copyrights, it would be impossible to tell which files come from original project and which files were created in scope of the derived project without Git history and deep investigation.

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Seems kind of useless if you were to make anything outside of an rpg that relies on dice rolls. Also, why are you still using SDL? That lib is kind of overkill when you only target one platform with one graphics API.

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Let’s not be too strict. Modanung violated the license by accident, out of ignorance. And no one warned him: Best fork to start learning with? - #6 by Eugene

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I’m on Windows. I guess you could say I’m “out of luck”, heh.

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I thought you removed Windows support in general? I thought I read that in your repo somewhere.

I’m just trying to support you

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I don’t think so. There are OpenGL specific windowing libraries that are also cross platform (GLFW for instance). It’s probably not worth the effort to remove it though.

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Well, neither am I. I just thought you only wished to support Linux, so SDL seemed like a fairly large lib for that scope. It could wind up being worth it to replace SDL with GLFW (or something similar) but I doubt it. End user of engine doesn’t mess with the windowing lib directly so it probably doesn’t make any difference in the end.

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