Archive 19/01/2023.

Device is lost. Texture dont show. Possible cause?



Do anyone have a idea what would cause a mesh to disappear? I can’t figure out if it’s the camera or mesh itself. Everything seems normal but as soon as it hits a point it vanishes. I have no zone setup either.

It seems the device is lost, affecting the vertex buffer. I will have details later.


Direct Link

The code I’m using is

// If camera exist
if (m_pCamera)
// Updaw character yaw and povement
Quaternion Rot(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // Get mouse position
    IntVector2 MousePosition = m_pInput->GetMousePosition();

    // Calculate look based on screen view
    float mWindowBasePitched = (float)(MousePosition.x_ - (g_pApp->GetGraphics()->GetWidth() / 2));
    float mWindowBaseYaw = (float)(MousePosition.y_ - (g_pApp->GetGraphics()->GetHeight() / 2));

    float newPitch = Clamp((float)mWindowBasePitched, -90.0f, 90.0f);
    float newYaw = Clamp((float)mWindowBaseYaw, -90.0f, 90.0f);

    // If key is hard reseet
    if(m_pInput->GetKeyDown(KEY_LALT) || m_pInput->GetKeyDown(KEY_RALT))
        newPitch = 0;
        newYaw = 0;

    // Create a new quaternion
    Quaternion CameraClamped(newYaw, newPitch, 0.0f);

    Node * pViewCameraNode = m_pCamera->GetNode();

    Quaternion RootRot = pViewCameraNode->GetRotation();

    // Rotate Camera
    if (m_pInput->GetKeyDown(KEY_LCTRL) || m_pInput->GetKeyDown(KEY_RCTRL))
    if (pViewCameraNode)
            // Removed line to figure out better rotation
            // Quaternion NewRot = RootRot.Slerp(Rot*CameraClamped, timeStep*.99);
            Quaternion NewRot =  Rot*CameraClamped;




It could be a BoundingBox wrong culling issue.Does the same thing happens if you set


[quote=“Dave82”]It could be a BoundingBox wrong culling issue.Does the same thing happens if you set

It’s not the problem. I tried that function and it become invisible then I tried it with false, same problem.

Just in case I tried a static model, and it’s the same problem.


[quote=“Dave82”]It could be a BoundingBox wrong culling issue.Does the same thing happens if you set


You can see the bounding areas here.


Hey All,

I tried isolating the problem. I am noticing the graphics system saying device id lost. Affecting the vertex buffer.

All help is appreciated, the mesh and colliding box is correct including physics. What could cause device lost on linux builx ising opengl. I added the pbr code just before it was merged 1.5. So i am not sure if its code on my end, urho3d, shader.
