Yes, that mostly took care of the flickering.
If using this
it never flickers.
If using the code below, then it doesnt flicker unless the decal is on top of another decal, then it flickers, so if the
decal is put on top of
then it will flicker.
on top itself never flickers.
Also, the resulting decal is uncropped and paints as a rectangle rather than showing up as a flower, for instance in the 2D Sprites Feature sample where the Aster.png gets cropped to just the petals of the flower.
var decal = targetNode.CreateComponent\<DecalSet\>();
var decalMaterial = Material.FromImage("Urho2D/Aster.png");
decal.Material = decalMaterial.Clone("");
decal.Material.SetShaderParameter("MatDiffColor", new Color(NextRandom(1.0f), NextRandom(1.0f), NextRandom(1.0f), 1));
decal.Material.DepthBias = new BiasParameters(-0.00001f,0f);