Archive 19/01/2023.

DDS to PNG/JPG converter?


Is there a simpler way to convert DDS file to PNG/JPG other than to render to texture using Urho3D?


Hey Lumak,

If you’re talking about pipeline tools. I use a free shell extension on Windows called SageThumbs . It also thumbnail previews DDS files in file explorer so it is really a handy tool. On Linux, you can just use ImageMagick and run it via terminal.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:


Nice. Thank you.


I was actually looking for a way to convert DDS to png/jpg or w/e in Urho3D, similar to how the Image class can save an image as png/jpg/bmp/tga files.
But I spent enough time learning the engine and creating some tools that I needed. It’s time to move on and actually start making a game, so yeah, thank you for SageThumbs.


[quote=“Lumak”]I was actually looking for a way to convert DDS to png/jpg or w/e in Urho3D, similar to how the Image class can save an image as png/jpg/bmp/tga files.
But I spent enough time learning the engine and creating some tools that I needed. It’s time to move on and actually start making a game, so yeah, thank you for SageThumbs.[/quote]

Sounds great! I was also having trouble in dealing with previewing DDS files and had to open them one by one to check them out before. Sagethumbs is really a great find! :slight_smile: