Archive 19/01/2023.

DBO Converter for Mapscape3D


Map scape is a simple free to use map creation tool made with dbp.
With light mapping and easy object manipulation makes creating maps fast and easy.
have also simple terrain editing functions.
Can export to .x and .dbo files.

Urho3D users can use AssetImporter for .x files but these files have only
vertex.position,vertex.normals and vertex.texcoord0

I made .DBO Converter (source-code included) for Urho3D where can export
and vertex.color for terrainsplat information
there i also made shaders and examples for it.


Great work! That map editor looks like it can be a useful too. Though I’ll have to play around with it, it looks much more mature than several of the editors I’ve played around with before.

Fun fact, DarkBasic Pro (for which this map editor is designed for) is what I made my first game in. Got a book when I was 11, bought the professional version, and that’s how I got into game development.