I’m toying with urho3D and have a question that I can’t find a good way to wrap my head around, not being very fluent in CMake stuff.
So I’m building uroh3D in a separate project and link my game project against it (using it as a lib, kinda following that documentation page urho3d.github.io/documentation/1 … brary.html )
But my problem is the following:
When generating my game solution the Data folder is just copied from whatever is in “MyProject\bin” folder at the root of my project into “MyProject\Build\bin\Data”.
(I have a symbolic link between “MyProject\bin\Data” and “Uroh3D\Build\bin\Data” as I thought it made sens at the time but I’m not so sure anymore)
-This copy step only happen when I generate (or re-generate) the solution through CMake.
My question is: What would be the best way to have a specific folder for the game Data?
Should I add a step in the game CMake to add a symlink to “Uroh3D\Build\bin” and then make the RessourceCache point to it when initializing the engine? In that case would that work if I ever need to pak the data after ? (i.e. for a release build )
Is there already something planned in the Urho3D CMake to handle such a case ? I’ve found a couple of forum post about a shared_path or something but I’m not sure it’s still something exposed, as the post were old and the doc does not seem to have it in the build options (or I missed it / was looking for the wrong name?)
I’m not a build master and I admit that project settings and build solution generation is not my strength, so I’m sorry if it feels like a beginner question, but I’m trying to set up a clean bootstrap project rather than hacking something working and ending up having a lot of trouble down the road.