Archive 19/01/2023.

CustomGeometry Triangles Colors


When I add two triangles into one CustomGeometry only one of them has the specified color, the other one is black.

        float y = 0.01f;

        var geom = Node.CreateComponent<CustomGeometry>();
        geom.BeginGeometry(0, PrimitiveType.TriangleList);

        geom.DefineVertex(new Vector3(X1, y, Z1));
        geom.DefineVertex(new Vector3(X1, y, Z2));
        geom.DefineVertex(new Vector3(X2, y, Z2));

        geom.DefineVertex(new Vector3(X1, y, Z1));
        geom.DefineVertex(new Vector3(X2, y, Z2));
        geom.DefineVertex(new Vector3(X2, y, Z1));

        return geom;

How can I set the color for the 2nd triangle?


Use vertex colors and a material that uses them rather than creative a material with 1 color. It’s odd that one of the triangles is black, though. I’d have expected they’d be the same color. I’m not certain custom geometry supports vertex colors - it probably does, but if it doesn’t I’d suggest looking at some of the other posts about how to create a geometry for a model.


Thank you for your hint. Using the material VColUnlit.xml and setting Color by calling geometry.DefineColor before defining vertices solved the problem.