I register 2 custom components in category “MY-COMPONENTS”, they have as predecessor class “Urho3D::LogicComponent”, as in tutorial: http://urho3d.wikia.com/wiki/Creating_your_own_C%2B%2B_components , but in editor they have name LogicComponent, when I expected my names (MySecondComponent,MyFirstComponent).
My sources:
MyCxxComponents.hh :
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <Urho3D/Urho3D.h>
#include <Urho3D/Scene/LogicComponent.h>
#include <Urho3D/AngelScript/APITemplates.h>
extern const char * CATEGORY_MY_COMPONENTS;
typedef std::function<void(Urho3D::Context*context)> reg_t;
Urho3D::Vector<reg_t> & get_autoregistators();
#define CXX_COMPONENT(T) \
struct T; \
static char const autoreg_character_name=[](){ get_autoregistators().Push( [](Urho3D::Context*context){ context->RegisterFactory<T>(CATEGORY_MY_COMPONENTS); } ); return 'Y'; }(); \
struct T : Urho3D::LogicComponent \
{ OBJECT(T); \
T( Urho3D::Context* context ) : Urho3D::LogicComponent(context)
MyCxxComponents.cc :
#include "MyCxxComponents.hh"
Urho3D::Vector<reg_t> & get_autoregistators()
{ static Urho3D::Vector<reg_t> singleton;
return singleton;
extern "C"
{ extern void cxx_components_loader_entry_point( Urho3D::Context* context )
{ for( reg_t const & reg : get_autoregistators() )
reg( context );
MyFirstComponent.cc :
#include "MyCxxComponents.hh"
CXX_COMPONENT( MyFirstComponent )
{} // ctor
void Start() override
MySecondComponent.cc :
#include "MyCxxComponents.hh"
CXX_COMPONENT( MySecondComponent)
{} // ctor
void Start() override