What’s a good way to make a realistic chain? As in this:
Performance is not an issue here. I assumed that if I made each link a separate node (with rigidbody) it would be more realistic. I added a traingle mesh shape to each and rotated 90 degrees every other link. Because the collider forms a torus-like shape, it should allow these to interlock without constraint joints, correct? The way a real chain is connected? Is it possible to connect bodies physically like this, just by spawning them inside each other? I feel like this solution would be the realist but I suppose joints are necessary here. Has anyone needed to make a physically-based chain or rope-like iterated object?
So far I haven’t figured it out. I tried the real-world approach and also with hinge/point constraints and I got spastic results. I also tried descending the mass which helped but takes away from realistic movement.
Here is the setup (0 mass rigidbodies in this screenshot)
And here with descending mass (first link has 0 to connect to ceiling) and point constraints they spin through each other and are easily pulled apart, even though they should be colliding with each other. I started messing with angular and linear factors too. But, come to think of it, each link
be able to wiggle every which way.