I recently have taken to httprequest .pngs.
The httprequesting part is fine and dandy but when I write the image into a .png and try to open it it complains about being unable to open it. I tried opening the file in notepad and it seems to be correct-ish (starts with “‰PNG” and has a bunch of gibberish)
Although from looking at it it does miss a few "gibberish blocks"
So I’ve pastebin’d the working .png I downloaded and the one wrote to file by urho3d:
If it helps, this is how I get the .png data
request = network->MakeHttpRequest("www.gamefromscratch.com/image.axd?picture=logo_thumb_2.png");
bool mtlDone = false;
ur::String mtl;
while (!mtlDone) {
if (request->GetState() == ur::HTTP_INITIALIZING) continue;
else if (request->GetState() == ur::HTTP_ERROR) objDone = true;
else {
while (request->GetAvailableSize() > 0) {
mtl += request->ReadString();
if (request->GetState() == ur::HTTP_CLOSED) {
mtlDone = true;
(In other questions, is there a way to set a material’s texture using just a raw image instead of making a file manually and writing all .png data in it?)